Mystery Movie Blogs

Be with us while we examine this selection of movie reviews that intend to entertain and educate in addition to fostering greater appreciation of the art creating dialogues which extend beyond the screen and ultimately, bringing about the discovery in new (scifi movies page) and exciting films.Related GemsDecker Shado ReviewsBeneath the Planet of t

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Dredd Movie Review

While the Judge Dredd movie from 1995 may have gone down in movie history as one of the most spectacular bombs of the last few decades, the source material was rich enough and the fans loud enough that another movie based on the universe was made.. Dredd. They aimed to stick a lot action movie reviews closer to the source material this time aroun

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Saw II Movie Review

The follow up to "the chopped off foot seen round the world" Saw II was also not originally even a Saw movie, at least in it's earliest form. The script was reworked to fit the mythos far better than how a lot of franchises have done it, and it's got it's twists (blog post) as well. But... does it have enough of them?Source: (blog) Saw II Movie R

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